Inflammation is a protective measure employed by the body to fight infections and pathogens. It can also be initiated by certain fatty acids in our food (omega-6) and stopped by related fatty acids (omega-3).
In our modern diet, omega-6 fatty acids have come to outweigh omega-3 fatty acids by ten- or twenty-to-one. As a result of this lack of omega-3 in our diet, perpetual waves of inflammation course through our bodies. Oxidative stress caused by the free radicals that exist both within the body and in the environment also initiates inflammatory processes on a daily basis.
Inflammatory stress causes absolutely no pain, and thus often progresses unnoticed, laying the groundwork for all of the major chronic age-related diseases. Inflammatory responses are also a driving force behind the vascular damage that can obstruct blood flow to the heart and brain.
Evidence of inflammatory stress is easily detected by monitoring levels of inflammatory proteins, called hs-CRP (high-sensitivity C-reactive proteins) in the blood. The concentration of hs-CRPs increases as soon as the body’s immune response to infections or other disease events is initiated. However, in modern medicine, the diagnostic marker CRP is only rarely measured.
ResverChron® provides powerful ingredients with potent antioxidative properties to help protect against unhealthy inflammatory processes within the body.